Moving Kitchen Cabinets

I returned from Canada to find that Greg had finished plastering the holes and also installed the new ceiling fan. Guess I was wrong in my last blog...I thought he'd spend all of his time playing video games. This is one of those times I'm glad I was wrong.

After my parents decided not to visit last weekend due to the snowy weather, we decided to try moving the smaller of the two kitchen cabinets. It went surprisely well. In fact, after we got it moved, Greg drilled into the brick wall to insert another outlet and put new plaster around the hole. While he did that, I patched the baseboards and trim. A rather productive day.

As for Sunday...after the ease of moving the cabinet on Saturday, we thought we could possibly move the other cabinet. After a few minutes in, this process had me in a bundle of nerves. I kept saying this isn't a good idea and we need more people to help. By the end of the day, the cabinets were jacked up into position - yes, with a car jack. We didn't have the right drill bit and screws to secure them to the wall. I was nervous into the night, worried that I'd hear a large crash in the kitchen. I insisted that we keep the kitchen doors shut to keep the cats out..worried that they would jump into the cabinets. Greg laughed at me for being so worried. Joke was on me...Sophie ended up locked in the kitchen all night. The kitchen cabinets didn't fall.

Monday night Greg came home with the right drill bit and screws. We secured the cabinets to the wall. My worry disappeared. All because of Greg.

Check out the photo website to see the cabinet moving process!


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