Hall Bath Renovation: Before the Contractors Arrive

A little work was done before the contractors arrived.  

The faucet on the hall bath vanity is nicer and newer than the one in our master bath (which also needs remodeled).  Greg moved the newer faucet into the master vanity.  A slight facelist.  It does operate much easier.

 Hall Bath Vanity

Master Bath Vanity with Hall Bath Faucet

Our Master Bedroom needed furniture rearrangement so the closet could be enclosed in our bedroom.  We had to tear this shelf out to move furniture (we had planned to tear it out someday anyway, this renovation forced it to happen). 

The shelf

The shelf removed.  Found some old wallpaper.

 Greg thought the area needed a racing stripe.  I think we have different design tastes.  We will live with it until we remodel the master bedroom (someday).  For those wondering, it's leftover paint from Quinn's playroom/sunroom.


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